CS699: Software Foundation Lab
Lab 2: Bash Scripting and Git Usage
Helpline and Submission Guidelines

Helpline for Lab 2

  1. Solution for Parts 2 and 3 is to be typed into the .sh file already provided.
  2. Remember, you need to change the permission of the .sh file before executing it:
    chmod u+x <script_file.sh>
  3. Do not change the structure and the file/folder names. The auto-grader will give a "Not Submitted" grade otherwise, if it does not find the correct names.
  4. Remember to follow the exact output formats specified. Extra characters will lead to incorrect evaluation by auto-grader.
  5. Inside the script if you use or generate any temporary file, write command to remove it after the operation within that script only.

Submission Guidelines

Strictly follow the instructions given below:

  • Create a file readme.md in <roll_number> directory, which contains your Name, Roll no. and References, along with Git username.

  • Compress the directory to .tar file named <roll_number>.tar.gz.

  • A sample .tar.gz file is provided: roll_number.tar.gz

  • Push all of the folder structure on a private Git repository, provide Git username in the readme file.

  • Please strictly follow the submission format, else there'll be a 10% penalty.

  • Parts 2 and 3 will be graded by the auto-grader so strictly follow output format.

  • For Part 2, you need to accept the Github Assignment and submit it to the private repo of that Assignment as well as on Moodle.

  • The submission directory structure should be as follows (nothing more nothing less):

      ├── q1
      │   ├── .bashrc
      │   ├── screenshot_of_sub-partA.png
      │   └── screenshot_of_sub-partB.png
      ├── q2
      │   └── lab2_q2.sh
      ├── q3
      │   ├── files
      │   │   ├── dir1
      │   │   │   └── addicted.txt
      │   │   ├── dir2
      │   │   │   └── seeyouagain.txt
      │   │   ├── ilikeit.txt
      │   │   └── temprature.txt
      │   ├── lab2_q3.sh
      │   ├── list.txt
      │   └── output.txt
      └── readme.md

For enthu junta/punters :P


We know this already seems hectic but in case you have some time left, and are enthu to learn more, you can do:

  1. Bash modification

  2. Googler